Refund Policy

We want you to love your order! If it’s not the right fit or you change your mind, you have 30 days to return or exchange. Plus, with instant refunds and exchanges, there’s no waiting around!

How to proceed

1. Access this link if your purchase was made online or in person.
2. Start your exchange or return process. Once complete, you will receive a confirmation email in which we will review your request. If your request is approved follow the instructions sent by email! Orders outside the European Union are final.
3. Make sure the items preserve their original condition. In order for the exchange or return to be accepted, the items cannot have been used or washed.
4. Package them in a safe and unharmful way, containing the original packaging that has the barcode or QR code that identifies the products.
5. Follow precisely the instructions sent to you by email.

Note: Shipping costs associated with your order will not be refunded.
If your order is incorrect, damaged or has any issue from our end please contact us.

How can i return my order?

Click here to access our returns and exchanges portal for purchases made online or in person, where you’ll have to introduce your order number and email address that you used to make the purchase. – If you bought it with cash, get in touch with us through

Return methods and eligible regions

Once you’ve started the process, you’ll see the following options to give us the product back.

Method/Region Portugal Spain Europe International
Return on your own Available Available Available N/A
Home pick-up Soon Soon N/A N/A
Drop-off point (return label) Soon Soon Soon N/A

When will i receive my refund?

It depends on the refund method
- Non-instant refund: you’ll receive the money in the same payment method used in your purchase in an estimated time of 15-30 days, depending on your bank.
- Instant refund in bank account: you’ll receive the money in less than 10 seconds in the bank account that you provide. – Only available in Spain and Portugal.
- Instant refund in original payment method: depending on the method, it takes between 1-4 days.
- Instant refund in store credit: takes 1 second

About Reveni

How long does it take to receive my refund?
- Less than 10 seconds since you requested the refund.

What can I do if I don’t receive the refund?
- First, make sure that you are checking your bank account transactions of the credit card transactions. If you still can’t find the refund, contact us at

How much does it cost?
- Nothing. The Reveni service is completely free for the customers and doesn’t have any impact on your refund.

Can I ask for my instant refund at any time?
- As long as you comply with the return policy, yes.

What do I have to do?
- You have to upload your tracking number into Reveni’s dashboard. If you don’t have a tracking number, let us know at once you’ve returned your products.

What happens if I don’t return the products?
- You would be breaking the Reveni terms and conditions and they would start the process to recover the money.

What happens if I return a wrong or defective product?
- Your return would be rejected and Reveni could start the process to recover the money. – Remember that if the original product is defective, you should get in touch with Valan.

What if I change my mind and I decide to keep the products?
- Get in touch with Valan so the Reveni team can share with you the instructions that you should follow in order to give the money back.

Do I have to create an account to get the instant refund?
- No, you only have to accept the terms and conditions, and introduce your bank number.

Why do I have to share my bank number if you already have my credit car details?
- The instant refund works through the bank account, not the credit card. Also, Reveni doesn’t have access to your credit card details.

Will my data be secure?
- Reveni accomplishes with the GDPR and with a strict security policy to make sure that your data is secure. Also, they run external audits on a regular basis.

Why is Reveni getting in touch with me?
- When you accept the terms and conditions, you allow them to get in touch with you. But they’ll only contact you in case your return is getting delayed.